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Green Ports and Shipping Congress - Call for papers!

Green Ports and Shipping Congress identifies and prioritises the areas that ports-based organisations and shipping companies need to work together on for their mutual advantage to reduce emissions

Submissions are now invited for the Green Ports & Shipping Congress from 6-7 March 2024.

Green Ports and Shipping Congress identifies and prioritises the areas that ports-based organisations and shipping companies need to work together on for their mutual advantage to reduce emissions.

The programme will cover all aspects of energy transition plans and implementation as they affect port operations and ships. Sessions and streams will address the required infrastructure, bunkering, technical solutions and how these align with the shipping lines and logistics chains.

We now invite interested speakers to put forward their abstract submissions for next year’s event. During the 2-day conference, the session topics & panel discussions will include:

  • Maritime Digitalisation – how to decarbonise digitally

  • Green Shipping Corridors - collaboration to drive sustainable growth

  • Future marine low and zero-carbon fuels including biofuels, methanol, ammonia, and potentially hydrogen

  • Bunkering infrastructure including multi-fuel bunkering transition

  • Safety standards and regulations - developing harmonised standards and regulations for ships and ports to safely bunker alternative fuels

  • Green Technologies including carbon capture, storage, and utilisation

  • Green Finance - bridging the gaps in collaboration

  • Incentivised Shipping – how ports can incentivise shippers to make green changes

  • Collaborative projects to advance the deployment of zero/low-carbon solutions in the maritime industry

  • Voyage planning and optimisation

  • Onshore Power Supply

  • The role of ports and shipping in the transport of zero carbon fuels, linking places of production and consumption

Companies, organisations, and individuals are invited to submit abstracts relating to our session topics. Abstracts should be approximately 250 – 300 words and submissions should include a biography and headshot photo of the speaker. Case studies and collaborative projects will be given preference.

Please submit all enquiries and abstracts to Josie Gilchriest at

For further information about speaking, sponsoring or attending as a delegate, contact the Events team on +44 1329 825335 or email

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